Well, it's been a few weeks since I've really posted. I just needed to take a breather after all the awards' season hoopla and "do nothing" for a while. I saw a few films, worked, slept, got the flu (which I'm still fighting) and slept some more. Monday, I start rehearsals for the next show I'm directing, so I'll update when possible, but it might be only once-a-week or once-every-10-days or so.
Here's some mini-reviews of several films I saw since Oscar(r) day:
Juno - I actually saw this on Oscar(r) day. I also rented Michael Clayton that day, as well. It was the "I have to see these two films - then I've seen all 5 Best Picture nominees syndrome." I loved Juno. Seriously loved it. I was so impressed with Jason Reitman's direction and every single actor's performance. Obvious kudos to Ellen Page, but literally everyone else was superb. Extra-special-smugness to Jennifer Garner, Jason Bateman and Olivia Thirlby. We didn't hear enough about their work in this film. All spectacular. I didn't dislike anything about it really, except one thing...Rainn Wilson. I guess I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't find him funny. I find him to be...off-putting and distracting.
Maybe I liked the film so much because it was one of the few films this year that had heart. Some critics and folks found it treacly and TV movie-ish, but I thought it was very...true. And, yes, I do know girls that age who talk like that. To those critics who disagree: get out of the movie theatre and visit the real-world sometime. You'll be amazed at how things have changed over the years.
Michael Clayton - I liked it, but didn't love it. People kept saying how it was a return to old-style Hollywood. I didn't see it. I thought the acting was very good: George Clooney was wonderful, Tom Wilkinson was stunning and Tilda Swinton was great...even though I thought the "look" they gave her for the film was a copycat of Jodie Foster's in Silence of the Lambs (just look at the picture and tell me I'm wrong). I was also a little thrown by Ken Howard's appearance in the film. He's most remembered as the coach on the 70's TV show The White Shadow. I don't like my 70s heroes playing bad guys. He just took me out of the moment, I guess.
Vantage Point - Interesting concept, but this coulda been a TV movie - albeit with a great cast. I can't really talk too much about it without spoiling something for someone, but suffice it to say, that although the wrap-up at the end was very good, it was all a little too melodramatic and forced for my taste. And why the hell did Sigourney Weaver even take that role? She's barely in it and has no bearing on the story. Guess her Alien residuals are running low. Highpoints: Forrest Whitaker and William Hurt. Lowpoints: occassionally cliched dialogue and William Hurt (no, that's not a mistake).
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day - Damn, I LOVED this film. I loved everything about it: cast, direction, costumes, hair/makeup, art direction (superb!), cinematography, sound, score...name it. I haven't seen a movie this smooth yet not overly polished in years. For some reason it's not connecting with audiences (ie. no one's rushing to see it). I wish it would. It's just wonderful. Witty screenplay, pitch-perfect performances (love me some Frances McDormand and Amy Adams!), and...get this...it was romantic!!! I can't name the last movie I saw that was actually romantic. I can't say it enough: Go See It, Go See it, Go See It!